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Changes to Expect at Elementary Schools

August 14, 2020 -- The return to school is just around the corner and parents, caregivers and students are preparing for a school year that will be like no other. Regina Public Schools administrators and staff are also planning, preparing and getting ready to re-open schools and restart education in a way that is as safe as possible for students and staff and that honours the guidelines and direction provided by the Government of Saskatchewan, as well as by local and provincial health and public health authorities.

What’s new?

EHLS Grade 8 Farewell

On June 22 at 1:30pm, Ecole Harbour Landing School will host a Virtual Grade 8 Farewell. This virtual celebration will be through Google Meet and teachers will post links prior to the ceremony.  

While we recognize that a virtual celebration is not the same as a Farewell Celebration, as a staff, we wanted to have the opportunity to celebrate our Grade 8 graduands and their successes during their time at EHLS.

Our grade 8 teachers are also hoping to pass certificates, a farewell gift and any awards to our grade 8 students. More information will be forthcoming on this as we want to ensure appropriate physical distancing and that we align with Public Health restrictions.

School Supplies - Stored to the Fall

Thank you to all families who came out in one of the four days and one afternoon we had for picking up school supplies. Any remaining items have been moved into storage and students/families may pick up these items when school reopens!

Items belonging to students who are in our French Immersion program will be transferred to Dr. A. E. Perry School for the fall.

Refunds - Lunch and Band Fees

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of classes, school events, and school activities, École Harbour Landing School and Regina Public Schools are currently processing fee refunds for elementary school activities. These refunds will cover events through to the end of June, 2020. If anything changes, based on the direction of the Provincial Response Planning Team, we will adjust accordingly.

Assessment at EHLS During Supplemental Learning

Hello ÉHLS families!

We know that a number of parents and caregivers have been asking questions about what student assessment will look like at École Harbour Landing School during this period of online supplemental learning.

With this in mind, please see the letter below (Click on the Link) from our school's administration that may clarify our stance, which aligns with the direction of the Ministry of Education and Regina Public School Division's expectation for assessment during supplemental learning.