Harbour Landing School Community Council will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 starting at 6pm.
To adhere to social distancing, this meeting will be a virtual online meeting on Zoom. All parents and community members are invited to attend. If you plan to attend, please contact harbourlandingscc@gmail.com.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Meeting ID: 956 6055 4630
Passcode: 5yF18n
The Annual General Meeting will allow parents/community members to get on the School Community Council. This year two executive positions are open: Secretary and Vice-President. Both positions are two year terms. If you are interested in running for either position or are just curious about their roles, please email harbourlandingscc@gmail.com for further information.
The SCC and school would like to thank our outgoing Secretary and Vice-President for their dedication and hard work over the past years.
Please consider joining our parents and community members on the SCC as we work together to improve the well-being of students and provide feedback to the school as they plan to improve and enhance our children's education!