Please Donate!

Greetings! During this time of year, the spirit of giving is all around us and, with that in mind, our school is collecting new or gently used donations for a Christmas Store at one of our city's community schools. Stores like these allow all students to enjoy the act of giving and the ability to express their generosity.

This is an important event for our community schools, and we are pleased to be able to meet this need. Donations will be collected by the École Harbour Landing School Leadership Committee in the coming weeks, so please be as generous as possible. Your are encouraged to donate any of the following items:

Learn French

Canadian Parents for French, Regina Chapter (CPF Regina) is offering a couple of activities of interest to parents with children in French Immersion:

1. CPF Regina is offering an intermediate level of our "French for Parents" class (Cost $125 plus a $25 CPF membership). The eight week class is on Thursday evenings starting on October 19th, 2017.

2. CPF Regina is also offering a Family Magic Show in French on Sunday, November 5th @ 2:00 p.m., featuring bilingual magician Marc Tardif (open to all families in Regina - discount prices at $5 per family for families who register in advance).

Welcome to École Harbour Landing School

On behalf of École Harbour Landing School, which is scheduled to open its doors in September 2017, I wish to extend a sincere welcome.

Over the upcoming months, and in preparation for school opening, information posted on the École Harbour Landing School website will be revised and updated as information becomes available. This website will provide helpful resources for students and their families including the promotion of important dates, a list of events and activities happening throughout the school and school community, a school calendar, a direct conduit to important Regina Public School Division information, and much more.

Playground Fundraising Update

The École Harbour Landing Playground Fundraising Committee has been hard at work organizing and promoting numerous events within our community.

We are pleased to announce that as of June 15th we have raised $39,972.00 towards our goal of $100,000.00 

At this point our committee will be moving forward with the purchase of our first set of playground equipment for the K - 3 area at École Harbour Landing School in hopes that it will be installed and ready for our school opening on Tuesday, September 5th.