
Return to School Handbook

September 1, 2020 -- Regina Public Schools families can now read most details about returning to school in one document. The Return to School Parent/Caregiver Handbook includes all the information school families may need to know about school in September and beyond.

The handbook includes:

- Safety precaution details and what the schools and learning will be like in the coming school year

- Transportation

- Curriculum, instruction and assessment for Kindergarten to Grade 12

- Support Services information for students with intensive needs

- Program information for the 2020-21 school year

Strategy to Reduce Virus Spread

August 28, 2020 -- Regina Public Schools is implementing a three-part strategy to reduce the risk of COVID-19, as well as other viruses, including colds and flu, as students return to school and the colder fall and winter weather sets in. The strategy focuses on face masks, cleaning and increased, filtered ventilation.

Mask Use