Campus Regina Public to Reopen in September 2021!

FEBRUARY 9, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools will once again be offering a full selection of career pathway opportunities for Grades 11 and 12 students through Campus Regina Public (CRP). Because of COVID protocols during the 2020-21 school year, CRP was temporarily closed and opened its doors to provide a space for eSchool K to Grade 12 teachers to facilitate online learning and instruction. We are happy to announce that our CRP teachers will be dusting off the table saws, powering back up the lights, firing up the hair dryers and accepting rusty Pontiac Sunfires for the 2021-22 school year.

How We Try to Keep You Informed During the Pandemic

January 20, 2021 -- Ever wondered what happens when there is a case of COVID-19 at a school? A lot of work goes on behind the scenes. After the notification from Public Health, it usually begins with school division and school-based administration identifying potential close contacts in the school. This work is done in consultation with and confirmed by Public Health.

What is contact tracing? We are trying to find out where the staff member or student was on the day that they were contagious. Were they in one classroom or several? Did they go throughout the school or stay in one office? How close did they sit or stand to others and for how long?